GJC is 3 years old, we are proud!

GJC is 3 years old, we are proud!

The Global Journalism Council (GJC), an international media professional organization with representatives in 58 countries around the world and 81 provinces of Turkey, celebrates its 3rd anniversary.

Founded on October 14, 2019, the board of directors of the Global Journalism Council (GJC) made a written statement on the anniversary of its establishment under the signature of President Mehmet Ali Dim. The statement is as follows
In line with its mission, the Global Journalism Council (GJC) opened its headquarters in Ankara, the capital of Turkey, and a working office in Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey, and appointed representatives in the remaining 79 provinces of Turkey and 58 countries of the world. The Council, with all its members and representatives, carries out activities on behalf of journalists, the media sector, world peace and the media serving peaceful purposes.
In the Global Media School organized by the Global Journalism Council, young journalists and aspiring journalists were trained by the doyens of the profession. A total of 118 students from 5 different countries who completed 50 hours of face-to-face and distance (hybrid) media training with applied journalism courses received certificates.
Our biannual journalism magazine Global Media, which was launched with the contributions and support of GJC members, has become the most prestigious publication among its peers. In the third year of our establishment, we would like to thank all our members, especially our country representatives, who have supported our council so far and added strength to us with their contributions and participation. It is our common wish to reach many more successful years together.