Journalism in abroad…

Journalism in abroad…
I have lived in England for twenty-two years.
As a journalist, if I tell you what I have experienced, seen, heard, known and felt in this country, you might swallow your little tongue.
All kinds of people from all over the world live in this country.
When I first came to London, there were “monarch diplomats” or “officer” cashier journalists appointed with the help of politicians.
The water does not touch the soap, “Shake your head and get your salary.” These were the types.
Many of them retired or returned to Turkey.
There were also those who settled in England.
Along with these, there were so-called journalists whose real professions were marketing, tourism and distribution staff.
These so-called journalists could run around as they wished, as there was no control mechanism abroad.
Let me give you an example.
Once the London Correspondent of Turkey’s largest newspaper, still the aforementioned delivery man!
What can you expect from this person in the name of journalism?
It has become the toy of terrorist organization sympathizers and those who are hostile to Turkey.
He writes whatever they want, whatever they send.
Is it different today?
No it is not.
A person who worked for a telephone company in Turkey and who is alleged to have been involved in a rape case in Germany can introduce himself as a ‘journalist’ or also as a lawyer, academic and politician in London.
Want to hear worse?
Another, although he has no disability, establishes a company called the European Disability Association, introduces himself as the President of the Association, and asks for help from institutions and organizations.
He also introduces himself as a journalist on the left and right.
He has neither a journalism education nor a journalism background.
He’s making programs on a runaway radio station in London.
It is alleged that he started to program a national channel in Turkey from outside in London.
It’s terrible!
These people appear before you every day as journalists.
You also have to believe everything they say or show without realizing it.
The number of these types who introduce themselves as journalists abroad is quite high.
These unemployed and malicious people take a microphone in their hands and hand microphones to the citizens on the street, or they set up a news website and walk around saying “we are journalists”.
Journalism is an honorable profession that requires both hard work and dedication.
It is not a job for people with no dignity.
I say, “We do not violate our labor and honor…
Go do the things that suit you…
Open scam or fraud offices…
Keep copying ministries, institutions and organizations through front companies.
Try to take advantage of institutions and organizations by establishing fake associations. So do what suits you.
But do not harm our beautiful profession.
If you continue to do harm, I won’t let you continue it…’