Turkishness awakened, Karabakh was free

Elşad Eyvazlı – President of GJC Foreign Media Assembly
As a journalist, the question I have asked myself most of all until now, is how I would feed about Karabakh if ı belonged to another nationality. Frankly, every time with my responses, I justified my current position. The veracity is near humanity, isn’t it? Any foreign journalist who wasn’t against Azerbaijan, held the same position. The Foreign journalists such as Shinji Hashimoto (Kyodo- Japan),Aziz Gurpinar (Kyodo News), Piotr Patryk (The Economist, USA), Jordi Banos (La Vanguardia – Spain), Filippo Cicciu (RSI Switzerland), Albert Naya (CNN Spain), Paul Osterlund (Foreign Policy – USA), Ilya Topper (EFE, Spain), Kahraman Haliscelik (GJC) and İsmail Bayazit (GJC), recently visited Azerbaijan under the auspices of the Global Journalism Council, reaffırmed my opinions with the matenrials they prepared after their return. Exactly 30 years ago before the eyes of the whole world, in the South Caucasus more than 1 million people were displaced. Hundreds of old people died every day longing for their homeland. Furthermore, villagers engaged in agriculture and children playing with toys wre martyred day-to-day. Armenia committed these crimes against Azerbaijan with the support of Russia,France and İran. Nobody told Armenia to stop.Azerbaijan wasn’t given the opportunity to liberate its lands from occupation.
The world thought, “Soon everything will be forgotten, Azerbaijan won’t wast its lands back. Due to this reason, the settlement over the Karabakh conflict was delayed. Disgruntled countries, disrespectful, immoral international organizations were indifferent to the displacement of more than 1 million people. All this isn’t a fairy story, but the realities which Azerbaijan has lived with for 30 years. For exactly 30 years, God also slept in the South Caucasus. If he hadn’t slept, how could these atrocities have taken place? Nations are like individuals, they also have a destiny. Just as a person isn’t able to choose his father, mother,brother,sister or nationality when he is born, so people aren’t able to choose their geography and neighbor.Or, what nation wants to be neighbors with Armenians…
The residents of this outpost still have territorial claims against all its neighbors, such as Turkey, Georiga, İran (although İran has always supported Armenia- E.E) and Azerbaijan. İf you look at the history of Armenians, on the path they went through, then they came to this world to shed blood, commit violence, destroy hourses and kill people. Finally, September 27,2020.. Armenia, which shelled Azerbaijan every day, this time attacked from all directions to seize new lands. This attack was also considered on Azerbaijan’s etenally renunciation of Karabakh.
All this was happening before the eyes of the world.
Azerbaijan, which prefees a peaceful solution to the problem, this time, had no choice except to defend itself, counterattack and liberate its lands from occupation.
Thus, on Septembers 27,Azerbaijan was forcibly involved in the war.
The Patriotic War, which began on that day, lasted 44 days, and Azerbaijan has libareted its occupied territories. And this time, the whole world witnessed a new Armenian atrocity. When Armenians left Azerbaijani lands, they set fire to Azerbaijani houses where they had lived illegally for 30 years. They cut down the fruit trees in the yards and the trees in the woods. They shot the pets left behind by the Azerbaijanis in the past, even the animals they had raised themselves. Can you imagine the real picture of liberated people from the occupation of Karabakh burned house, shot pets in the yards of those houses, uprooted fruit tress.
And this time, as always, Russia intervened, Russia saved Armenia from death. Russia brought its Peacekeeping Forces to Karabakh.
But the world iş changing. Turkey becoming a spokesman not only for the region, but also for the whole world.
Azerbaijan is South Caucasus country. This is neither Europe, nor Asia, not he East.
A Mother whose son was killed during the 44-days war said, “I am also going to the front line. I will go and cook for my children,wash their clothes, and let them liberate our land quickly.”
The martyr’s spouse carried her husband’s coffin on the shoulder, put on his clothes an said, ” I will go to the frontline and fight. ”
The martyr’s brother went straight to the war from the cemetery.” I have to go and fight so that my brother’s place won’t be empry, ” he said.
The son of a martyr said, “When I grow up, I will be a souldier like my father, I will not give our lands to the enemy.”
Azerbaijan is the South Caucaus. It has its own rules and laws.
Lord,who had been staying in the South Caucaus for 30 years, have already woken up.
Let both Armenia and its suppotters understand this. One day they will reap what they sow.
Karabakh is free today. Karabakh belongs to its owners.
The people of Azerbaijan will build more beautiful houses and plant more beautiful trees in liberate Karabakh. Karabakh will be the patadise of the world. And I propose to hold on of the next GLOBAL JOURNALİSM COUNCİL meetings in Shusha, Khankandi, Kalbajar this spring.
We will open a Media Center in Khankandi as well.
My dearest journalist friends!
I am waiting for you in Karabakh!