
The star of South America is waiting for Turkish investors ARGENTINA   Özgür Demir   GJC Argentina Representative   Argentina,...
TERROR AND MEDIA   Terrorism can disrupt the psychology of the masses. The exaggeration of the news about the martyrs...
We used to love very much, we were loved…   It has been exactly 40 years since I started the...
local journalism Local journalism has known issues that are not independent of the mainstream media. Apart from these, another point...
The Global Journalism Council (GJC), which has breathed new life into the professional organization of journalism in Turkey from a...
The Foreign Media Assembly of the Global Journalism Council (GJC) held its ordinary meeting in Alanya, which was postponed due...
“Global Achievement Awards” were presented by the Global Journalism Council (GJC) to institutions, organizations and individuals, including Anadolu Agency (AA)....
Global Journalism Council (GJC) has issued a message of support to the Azerbaijani diaspora journalists, calling for awareness to the...
Azerbaycan’da terör eylemleri gerçekleştiren Ermeni silahlı grup üyeleri hakkında dava açıldı. Göre  Raporu , dava Hakimi başkanlığında Mezar Suçları Bakü...
İsrail hükümeti Islam Dünyasının Vazgeçilmez kutsallığı Olan Mescidi Aksa’nın statüsüne Yönelik insanlık dışı saldırılarını sürdürürken, İsrail polisinin hedef almasına “Küresel...
“Anatolian News Agency (AA) Athens Representative Tevfik Durul and photojournalist Ayhan Mehmet flew from the Greek capital to Rhodes and...